Legal notice

This site is published by the company ISOS 4 (ISOS), registered under the SIRET number: 452 977 069 00049 (APE code : 4676Z). Registered office: 32 AV GEORGES CLEMENCEAU CAUD 33200 BORDEAUX.

Director of publication: M Vincent FROMAGE

The site may only be used subject to compliance with these terms of use and disclaimers. Consequently, the use of the site implies acceptance.

Protection of personal data: The Company ISOS 4 (ISOS) undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of any information provided online by the Internet user as specified in our privacy policy.

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Photos used on the site: All photos on this site are the property of ISOS 4 (ISOS) and are subject to copyright.

Links: The site may include links to other sites or mobile sources. Insofar as the company ISOS 4 (ISOS) cannot control these external sites and sources, the company ISOS 4 (ISOS) cannot be held responsible for the availability of these external sites and sources and cannot be held responsible for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these sites or sources.

Use of the site: All users of the site acknowledge and expressly accept that use of the site is at their own risk. The Company ISOS 4 (ISOS) does not guarantee the quality and compatibility of the site for a specific use, nor that the site is exhaustive or free of errors. The user is solely responsible for any damage to his or her computer or loss of data resulting from acessing the site. More generally, the company ISOS 4 (ISOS) cannot be held responsible for any direct and/or indirect damage resulting from the use of this site or from the impossibility of accessing it. Furthermore, the user undertakes, under penalty of civil or criminal liability, not to use this site to display or transmit, in any way whatsoever, any content that is illicit, harmful or that violates any intellectual property and/or personality right, or any content containing computer viruses designed to interrupt, destroy or alter the functionality of the site.

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VAT number: FR 35 510 909 807
Telephone: 04 44 44 60 40

European Regulation:

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data. To exercise this right, you have direct access to your personal online account. You can also send us an email to email or write to ISOS, 32 AV GEORGES CLEMENCEAU CAUD 33200 BORDEAUX.

The information held about you is exclusively intended for ISOS 4 (ISOS) in order to ensure the continuity of the interaction between ISOS 4 (ISOS) and you.

ISOS 4 (ISOS) retains your personal data for as long as it is required for the purpose for which it was collected. More information on our privacy policy.

ISOS 4 (ISOS) does not sell or rent its customers’ email addresses and personal information.